Our History

The Association of Ex CID Officers of The Metropolitan Police was formed in 1949 with the objective of maintaining the comradeship enjoyed whilst serving in the Criminal Investigation Department. Original in 1949 It was open only to male members but in 2013 the members voted that it should be open to all, male and female, who had retired on pension from the Force who had served part of their police service in the Department. The Association had no other objectives and liaison between members was assisted by the publication of a directory giving contact details of all members, including details of any post police occupations taken up. The main event was an annual reunion dinner.

The affairs of the Association were to be run via a Committee of members, totalling seventeen, with the main officers being a President, (generally for a term of one year) a secretary and a treasurer. Committee meetings were to be held in March, May, July, September and November with eight Committee members required for a quorum.  An annual general meeting was to be held in January

The first reunion dinner, a black tie event, with formal speeches, took place in October 1950 at a prestige location in London, with a top table to which The President invited well-known guests from various walks of life.

Early on in Association history, Lord Ted Willis, the originator of Dixon of Dock Green, presented an award to be given annually to a member who in the opinion of the Committee has done much to enhance the well being of the Association.  Later, his widow decreed that the award be continued in perpetuity and this continues to take place at the Spring Reunion Lunch.

Naturally over the years changes and developments have occurred.  The more formal Annual Reunion Dinner has been replaced by an informal Annual Reunion Lunch, formal attire has been dispesed with, and the event is more recognisable as a CID Office Lunch, but on a much larger scale.  In addition, The Association decided to create The Brave Police Officer Award, renamed the Lord Peter Imbert Award for Bravery, which is presented to serving Metropolitan Police Officers to recognise outstanding acts of bravery , this award takes place at the Annual Reunion Lunch.

Membership has been widened to include CID officers who have resigned from the force and to allow for officers who, although not having qualified as detective officers, have nevertheless spent a substantial period of their service in CID associated duties.

In 2006 a Comforts Fund was introduced whereby donations, gifts and cards are sent in respect of members who have deceased, are suffering illness or misfortune, or, on a happier note, have achieved a milestone birthday of 80, 90 and, hopefully, 100 years.

The Association is mainly financed from joining fees of members, currently £50 for life membership. Members often chose to make donations for various reasons and donations are sometimes received from outside bodies that seek Association assistance to further projects they may be conducting.

The Association has a tie, which is based on the tie of the Metropolitan Police Detective Training School tie, but has, in addition, a shadow motif of the Metropolitan Police badge. Recently a bow tie of the same design is available.

Whilst the Association is proud to have two former Commissioners among its members, rank held whilst serving in the force affords no special status in The Association. Presidents of The Association have come from every rank from Detective Constable to Commissioner.

Total membership stands at over 1600 and members today enjoy not only the comradeship envisaged by our founders but also access to experienced and trusted contacts in a wide variety of commercial and other enterprises.